Saturday, January 9, 2021


 Lionel Messi the Argentinean and Barcelona striker according to the Slovenian goalkeeper Jan Oblak, who ays Lionel Messi is a very intelligent footballer, he always looks at the feet of the goalkeeper,so which ever leg moves first ,then the ball will be kicked to the other side.

 His free kicks are really worth watching, he always thinking of doing something different. He does not take a free kick for the sake of kicking the ball he places them really beautifully. He is capable of netting the ball  each time.

 It may be from either side,over the heads, through the feet he   even kicked a fre kick to the head of Luis Suarez, to be headed by Luis Suarez.

 He is always thinking of doing something new a spectacular. I am sure he has a very high I.Q.

 The first fifteen minutes of a game Lionel Messi watches every player whee they are standing team mates as well as opponents.He then has a view of everyone in the mind like a computer. If you look closely he is always looking from left to,right all thetime.

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