Sunday, January 10, 2021


 The year was 2011 a the young Neymar was then playing for the Brazilian club Santos.

 West Ham United wee looking for a god striker then, and at that time Neymar was a very young unpolished diamond. But he clearly had potential .

 West Ham were willing to pay 16, sixteen million pounds for Neymar,but Santos was not having anything of that they stood to their guns and wanted 28.4. twenty eight pint four million ounds that was his buy out clause in his contract.

 West Ham then decided that 28.4 million pounds was far to much for a footballer who is inexperienced and not played yet in Europe There were other problems to like Santos owned only sixty percent of Neymar and 40 forty percent was owned by a insurance company.a third party.

 Mariner's father who was also the agent then felt rightfully that West Ham United was a small club and not good enough for Neymar.

 He then was sold by Santos to Barcelona, for 48, forty eight million pounds.

The rest is history.

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