Monday, April 5, 2021


 Honestly speaking there is not a  single club that can really afford Erlang Brut Haaland n the summer.

 Both his present club asking  transfer fee is  154, one hundred and fifty four million Euros. And his weekly salary is 600,000 , six hundred thousand pounds , and that will work out  to156 one hundred and fifty six million pounds. So the total is already thee hundred million pounds.

 And now you will have to add the agents fee as well., and here there are two agents as well Mino Roila and Alfie Brut Haalad the father. Both are asking for agents fee of twenty million pounds. .So you will have to add 40,forty million pounds to the transfer fee.

 And you will have to dd ten million pounds as money club pat the player when sold. So the grand total will be 350, three hundred and fifty million pounds. Far too much to spend on a single player.

 And Mino Roila will not budge from the fee by a pound even .

He believes higher the amount of the player more money e makes  as a agent.

 And clubs must also take into account that if he is injured for a long time e will only be milking the club royally.

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