Sunday, May 16, 2021


 The Muslim  footballers playing in Europe have come forward to support the Palestine cause.

 But they must always remember that they are role models for the world, and must  not forget that the are employed by a club and paid by the club, so they must remember that  they  have sponsors for their  respected clubs and some may be owned by Jews.

 Like the Egyptian footballer Mohammad Ellneny ,wrote on his Instagram supposing Palestine. But the Jewish sponsor had a meeting with Arsenal over it.

 It is not at all fair Arsenal ,or a football club should lose millions of pounds, for no fault of the club.

 Here the Muslim footballers have found their voice easily, but when Europe  is attacked by Islamic terrorists , these same footballers do not say a word on the terror  attack where European and American innocent citizens are killed.

 For example Mohamed Salah said after the attack at a mosque in New Zealand  The attacker  was a cruel man.

 But he never uttered a word on the bombers in England or Afghanistan.

 We must understand Isa real is fighting the HAMAS, the TERRORIST group in Palestine , and NOT THE PALES TINES.

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