Friday, May 14, 2021


 Now the twelve clubs tat took a U turn after joining the European Super League,now the three founding clubs Real Madrid,Barcelona and Juventus, had filed a case against U.E.F.A in the Commercial court in Madrid Spain, the judge was Mr Manuel Ruiz De Lara,  They told the court hat U.E.F.a was treating them unfairly and threatening beaning them from the Champion league for two years, and putting huge fines as well.

 The Judge Manuel  Ruiz de Lara, had cautioned U.E.F.A , not to take any action against the clubs as it is only in the preliminary  stage. And no Restriction or sanctions should be applied to the clubs till the court hears the full case. U.E.F.A  did not send their lawyers  even to Madrid court.

 Now the Judge has supported the European Super League, but the ruling in the Spanish Commercial court is binding only in Spain.Now te judge has transferred the case to the European court Of Justice., te highest court in the European Union., now it will take  a  month or  two. for the hearing to come  to a end.

  But experienced lawyers have said U.E.F.A and F.I.F.a should tread very carefully.

 And it would  be really stupid on the part of U.E.F.A  and F.I.F.A  to take disciplinary  action against the European Super League, as the consequences  could be far reaching.

 U.E.F.A wanted to apply article 51, a Using disciplinary  against break up clubs . and also article 31.D. as well.

 And if U.E.F.a  fine , ban or expel a club now they will really be in hot water.

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