Friday, May 21, 2021


 Twelve clubs  from Europe  created the  European Super League.

 But e fans , players and retired players and pundits  were very much against the new European Super League. Actually the twelve clubs owners and presidents met in a hotel for a meeting in te yer 2015. And the European Super League was formed.

 A suggestion was made to the two F,I,F,A and U,E,F,A that  they should 

 But  U.E.F.A 's president Aleksandr Ceferin  was against the new league., and in their meeting punished  te twelve clubs Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester Untied ,, Manchester City,Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspurs, Inter Milan, A.C. Milan, Juventus, Real Madrid , Barcelona and Atletico Madrid, were punished by huge fines.

 But it is not  true tat U.E.F.A and F.I.F.A  wee absolutely unaware  of the project.

 Now according to THE NEW YORK TIMES, , thee were several meeting held between the twelve clubs and U.E.F.A and F.I.F.A , in the year 2019.

 Now the European Super League were willing to take part in the  F.I.F.A club world  cup, and in exchange  te two of them would then approve of the project,The Europa Super League., and they were willing to waiver a um of one Billion dollars or 705 million pounds the money these 12 clubs would have got. Things looked okay , but U.E.F.A  took action on the twelve clubs and banned and fined tem and put restrictions  on club and players.

 Now A case has been filed in te Commercial Court in Madrid,and te Judge favored  The European Super League, and warned against any action, U.E.F.A failed to send a lawyer to court.

 The Judge said the power was only cases in Spain and transferred the case to the EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE , and the Verdict will stand for all European countries nit only Spain.

 It will take a few months .

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