Monday, May 10, 2021


 The president of the Italian football federation Mr Gabriel Garvina , has come forward and clearly said that the Italian giants Juventus, who along with Barcelona and Real Madrid are still members of he European Super League, and have refused to back down  from theEuropeanSuper League

 Now The Italian Football Federation says that if by  the time the new season starts around  mid August,and if Juventus is still a part and parcel of the European super League, then they would have no choice but to expel Juventus from the Sierra A... As rules are rules and should be followed.

 But the U,E,F,A and the Italian football federation have forgotten one important point, that there is a case being heard at the Commercial Court i Madrid, and it is in the preliminary stage  cony.

 And the court has said that there should be no sanctions or ,actions or restrictions put on these twelve clubs, which could very well affect the out come of the final hearing.

 In fact U.E.F.A failed to send their lawyers tom attend the case at Madrid.

 And this clearly shows the very big ego and arrogance of U.E.F.A.. And failing to send a lawyer was very disrespectful to the  judges.

 Let me remind you all W.W.F  filed  a case when a  break up of the wrestling was introduced as W.W.E, and W.W.F lost the case. Even the International Ice Skating broke up, and they to lost their case.

 Lawyers will  use these two cases in the European Super League case as well..

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