Friday, July 9, 2021


  Now was  the  semi final match  played between England  and Denmark, where England won the match with a score line of 2- 1. With Simon Kjar scoring a own goal and Harry Kane getting a penalty ,after there was a minimum contact on Raheem Sterling , it is a shame that the English footballers are expert divers.

 Now the referee for that semi final match was a Dutch referee  Danny Make lie . A refree who did not know the F.I.F.a rules even.

 He allowed a penalty  after a minimum contact in slow play , ad there were two footballs on the pitch. F.I.F.a rule no 13  says very clearly that  if there are two balls on the pitch then the game must be stopped and only  one ball should be on the pitch. The game would start after the referee does bounce the ball. with two players standing near by. Even the free kick taken by Denmark  was wrongly taken a according to rules a yard or meter should be te distance between players , the were all too close for words.

 This referee  just was not fit to referee a semi final match I am saying this.I am from India and write on football. Nothing is going to happen here as the referee is a employ of U.E.F.A.,you can expect corruption here.

 Oh by the way  the referee  Danny Makelie  is the same referee   that did not give a illegitimate  goal to Cristiano Ronaldo in the world cup qualifiers  in the game between Portugal and Serbia .

 Now  according to F.I.F.A.. rules for a goal tob e scored  the entire ball has to cross the gasoline  not half.

 The ball had completely crossed  the line and the defender pulled the ball out as if nothing happened. Even the Spanish papers are saying that U.E.F.a  are backing England  as they were the ones that saw  that the EUROPEAN SUPER LEAGUE collapsed. You ca  say returning a favor.

 But he European Super League ,i s only matter of few months as the case is in the EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE at the E.U.


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