Friday, July 2, 2021


 Of you ask a footballer then the majority of them would  say Lionel Messi is the best footballer ever.

1) Johan Cruyff . I am glad I am not playing football today,or I would e a unknown person.

2) Thierry Henry. The only way you can stop Lionel Messi is to shoot him , and nobody wants to do that.

3) Michael Plattini. Lionel messi looks so cool and calm  on the pitch, but with the ball on the feet he becomes ruthless and is merciless.

4) Rio Ferdinand. I played two champion league finals against Lionel  Messi, and I could not get near him leave alone take away the ball.

5) Wayne Rooney Lionel Messi kills you slowly he does nt wait in te box, but can bring the ball from his goal to yours and score a beauty of a goal, he can easily run  past  the  entire team ..

6) Carlos Querios. F.I.F.A must find out if Lionel Messi is a Alien, till then they must stop letting him play.

7)  Zalatan Ibrahimovic. I am the best footballer on the planet earth , Lionel messi is a alien from another planet.

8) Vincent Enamaya . Nigerian goalkeeper t 2010 world cup touched Lionel Messi a few times, I wanted t to know if he was a robot or a real man, what he did was not human.

9) Sergio Ramos  Lionel Messi surprised me back in 2005 and does surprise me today , is he a alien.?

10) Zinedine Zidane. Lionel messi goes always forward he never goes back or passes the ball back , he just scores goals.

11)   Francesco Totti.  Lionel is the only person who taught me things I did not know.

12. David Villa.. A play maker scoring  745 goals and 311 assists  is not possible from human standaeds.

13) Marco Van Basten . Lionel Messi is a genius one tat comes in a blue moon , what Lionel Mess does is impossible to repeat. And  even more impossible  to copy.

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