Friday, September 17, 2021


 Now Manchester United have now gone and made a loss of 92.2 ninety two poiint two million pounds for the financial year in June..

 But it s beyonddoubt he worst year  whee football is . concerned.

 The Corona virus or the Chinese virus affected the entire world and brought he world to its knees. It affected every club i, in fact a total f 640 six hundred and forty clubs all aroud Europe were hit badly.

 And playing toa empty stadium did nt help matters in any way..

 But things really  look good for Manchester United, they bought he 36, thirty six year old  footballer Cristiano Ronaldo from Juventus, and his jersey number 7, seven are selling like hot cakes, I must say.

 But I do not agree with the purchase, as he is thirty six and will be thirty eight years old , when his contract expires.

 Arsenal and Chelsea would never sign a footballer who is thirty years or older, he must hen be a free agent, and he would only get one ear contract.

 But once his honeymoon at  Manchester United ends by say January  we will know if he can score goals frequently for Manchester Untied, and if he does suffer major  a injury the wheels of Manchester  Untied will all roll out.

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