Thursday, October 21, 2021


 Now there are a total f 27 twenty seven countries as members of the European. Union.

And now   16, sixteen countries have rejected the European Super League.

 So is it a  big blow to Barcelona, Real Madrid and Juventus.?

 No it is not a big setback for the tree clubs who are fighting U.E.F..A. and  F.I.F.A, over the European Super League..

 As you see the European Super League won it's case which was filed in the COMMERCIAL Court of Madrid i Spain..And te Judge Manuel Ruiz de Lara , had warned U.E.F.A , tat the court could fine and file criminal charges against U.E.F.a if they dissolve,ban, restrict club sand, players and fans from normal games  fine them as well.

 Now according to U.E.F.A plans Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus , weresupposed to bebannedfrom his years champion  League,and were nt invited.

 But hen the FEDERAL COURT OF SWITZERLAND ,THE Supreme court,sent a notice  to U.E.F.A , warning them not to ban these three clubs from playing in the champion league., U.E.F.A then sent letters inviting the three clubs for he champion league..

 Te Federal Court of Switzerland also told U.E.F.anot to stop  te European Super League,as you are stopping INNOVATION..

 With both courts supporting e European Super League can see it sooner, next year The European Court will decide on the case  fi by the Judge in Spain in a referral .

 And even if they lose in THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE in Luxembourg, they can file  a case in te COMPETITION COURT,as U.E.F.A are stopping competition here..

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