Sunday, October 17, 2021


 The french world cup winner Patrick Vieira ,ad joined Arsenal from A.C.Milan  for a small fee f 3.5 three and a half million pounds,just imagine after nine years and t thirty years  o age,he was sod to Juventus  for a sum of 13.5 thirteen and a half million pounds.

 He joined Arsenal in the year 1996,a few months before the arrival of Arsene Wenger from Japan..

 But what was the first impression cast on the team mates of Arsenal that day.John Hartsonsays he wasa shy smiling youngster who spoke little due to the language problem and he never did look like a footballer  skinny legs ad e had lanky long legs 

 But on the pitch  he was a real monster did nt ask for mercy and never gave any mercy, he started attacking and tacking from the first day onwards Tony Adams ,Martin Keown and Lee Dixon  had tough time on the pitch.

 He as a leader  on the pitch and he did have disciplinary troubles  with ten red cards  at    Arsenal..

 But his fights  with  Roy Keane are  very well remembered by football fans. world over.

 Honestly football has never produced such leaders of the club on the pitch  since these two icons.

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