Thursday, November 11, 2021


 Fans of Liverpool club, will be having a meeting  with the Liverpool fans called SPIRIT OF SHANKY, and they want a clause which will allow them to veto if the club owners want to join the European super League. But the fans must know that they do not  own the club and cannot veto here.And just remember the European Super League had filed a case against U.E.F.A , in the Commercial court in Madrid, which the European Super  League won the case judge Manuel Ruiz Del Lara, clearly said that the European super League can not-be dissolved,, U.E.F.A can not fine,ban discriminate  any of the 12  twelve clubs .

 Now this case is being heard at the EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE in Luxembourg .And the verdict will apply to all European countries. But U.E.F.A  have said this doe snot concern us as we are not members of the European Union, our head office is in Switzerland.

 But the U.E.F.A planned to Ban Barcelona, Real Madrid and Juventus from this years champion league.

 But the Federal court  of Switzerland , equal to the Supreme Court, sent a notice  to U.E.F.A stating to let all three clubs play in the champion league.The president of U.E.F.A Aleksandr Ceferin wrote letters to Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus  to play in he champion league And as the court has said it can not be  dissolved the European Super League is very much alive . You fans can do nothing here.

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