Sunday, December 19, 2021


 There is no doubt about it that the English referees are plain useless ,and those English referees doing the V.A.R work are equally useless.

 Let me remind you all how bad  the English referees  are for the 2018 world cup in Russia F.I.F.A did not take a single English referee to  referee a single match at he world cup,they were not even taken to e forth referee to show the time added  on.  So you know how bad they are. In a world cup final match it was a English referee showed a Croatian footballer three yellow cards followed by a red,

 Now in the Liverpool verses  Tottenham Hotspurs  Harry Kane was shown a yellow card  when it should have  been red . F.I.F.A rules clearly say sliding tackles are yellow card ,but with all studs showing which is dangerous play as a leg can be broken it is red card. but when the Liverpool manager demanded a red card he was booked, really disgusting the referees know nothing nor the linesman and the F.A will support the referees as hey are employees of the F.A. disgraceful and disgusting.

 V.A.R was introduced to make things fair and clear sadly it is a very big failure and should be thrown into te  sea for good, a waste of time,.

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