Saturday, February 12, 2022


 Things for Manchester United are getting from bad to worse I would say.

 And the two  Portuguese who are the real stars at Manchester Untied  Bruno Fernandes  and  Cristiano   Ronaldo ave both failed to score regular goals sadly. CristianoRonaldo has failed to score  a goal for the first time  six games for Manchester United.

 And the entire team is a utter disgrace no unity , identity  no team  spirit  and n fire in the belly to put upa real good fight  against the clubs.

 A trophy is a few decades away, champion league is even harder I would say.

 Andto get really good strikers in place of the aging stars Cristiano Ronaldo and Edison Cavani, will become harder to fill as footballers only want to play for a club playing in the champion league.

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