Thursday, March 10, 2022


 Nasser Al Kheelaifi  the president  of te French club P.S.G,was angry with the referee and tried to enter the referees cabin, and  from entering, he  was then broke the linesman flag  in anger.  This should nt happen.

 You must know that he is not only  the president of a football club, he also happens to be the chairman of the E.C.A  European  Club association, and he took the post after Andres Agnelli the chairman of Juventus resigned this post over the collapse of the European Super League.There are 640 six hundred and forty clubs in the E.C.A.

 But the real reason he got mad at Real Madrid was because Real Madrid, Juventus and Barcelona , had taken U.E.F.A to court over the European Super league, in the European Court of Justice

 Actually U.E.F.A wanted Real Madrid, Barcelona  and Juventus to be banned  from the champion league for two years.

 But the Federal Court of Switzerland, equal to the supreme court warned U,E,F,A nit to ban thetree clubs.

 P.S.G loss to Real Madrid was insulting to P.S.G president.

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