Saturday, May 21, 2022


 Kylian Mbappe has now gone and signed a tree year deal withFrench club P.S.G,he will be there till2025.

Real Madrid always looked  his favorite destination, ut he chose money over growth and improvement of his game..

 This deal is plain scandalous and absolutely ridiculous I would  even say it is very dangerous.

 P.S.G and Kylian Mbappe have signed a deal for 500 five hundred million pounds.

250, two hundred and fifty gillion pounds will be give  as signing fee. and his salary is 85, eighty five million   pounds a year , and his weekly salary will  be 1.6 one point six million pounds after tax.

So you can imagine the mess P.S.G  will be in financially

Just remember  Lionel Messi  Neymar are also getting very, very huge weekly salaries.

 How on earth will P..S.G balance their books and why is U.E.F.A and F.I.F.A so very quiet here..

 Let me tell you P.S.G for the year 2020 made a huge loss of 124 one hundred and twenty four million pounds.and for the yea 2021 they made a loss of 197 one hundred and ninety seven million pounds.

 Looks like te club has never made a profit.

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