Monday, May 16, 2022


 It looks more and more likely that the sale of Chelsea to Matt Bohely, owner of he Los Angles Dodgers, will be collapsing .

 And now tat a buyer was decided the papers have gone to the government  and it has hit a very big snag here.

The Government  right from the start had said that the money from he sale of Chelsea would be deposited in a separate frozen account ,and the entire money should be given to the Ukraine people from this foundation..

But now  Roman Abramovich has come forward now and said that a sum of 1.6 Billion pounds should be kept separately,in his Jersey company CombeleyInvestments .

 And the English Government rightfully have objected to that money going somewhere else and the fear that the money will not be going  tor te Ukraine people.. He wants to give the 1.6 Billion pounds from his foundation to the people of Ukraine.

 The big problem facing helsea here is today it is 17/5/2022 their license expires on 31/5/2022. The clock is ticking very fast I must say.

 Chelsea fans top being silly here  THE ROMAN  EMPIRE  IS OVER..

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