Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 So actually why was the Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp shown a red card.?

 In the clash between Liverpool ad Manchester City.  There was a incident and foul committed by Bernard Silva caught Mohamed Salah and then brought him down, but the referee Anthony Taylor, did not call t a foul, and allowed the play to continue.

 Now it was a clear foul, so Jurgen Klopp protested loudly and angrily, he was correct to do so.

 Now earlier Manchester City had a goal disallowed because Erling Haaland had brought down Fabiano i the similar way in which Bernard Silva brought down Mohamed Salah. before the goal was scored.

 This clearly shows the horrible standard of refereeing in England, they are the worst umpires ever, because of tis te V.A.R is in a royal mess and will remain so.

 AS the former referee Mark Hawksley said We referees are told by the F.A not to see something they have seen.

 Now Jurgen Klopp is charged by the F.A.  And the referee Anthony Taylor, is not even questioned, DISGUSTING< DISGRACEFULAND DISESPECTFUL.

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