Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 Qatar should never been allow to hist he world cup 2022 .According to TEDAILY MAIL.

The world knows that Qatar and Russia bribed and F.I.F.A, rigged the voting   in  the year 2010.In the year 2010 in Landa Angola, in a five star hotel 20twenty  F.I.F.A excusive with voting rights got a  bribe of five million dollars for e top people like jack Warner InCharge of Carribean, Chuck Blazer charge of U.S.A, Michaael Platini president of U.E.F.A and Sepp Blatter president of F.I.F.A . while he voters were given 1.5 million Dollars each to vote for Qatar and 2.018 for Russia.

 president Nicolas Sarkosky had dinner with Michael Platini nd French were given order from Qatar for 24 Rafale jets and also Airbus planes for Qatar Air.

 Qatar has population of three Milio only, what will they do with eight where elephant stadiums?

 It i a desert so nothing grows ,football needs grass   to play on , grass seeds were flown from th U.S.A.

 New buildings, hotels a new airport all built, who will occupy them tr the world cup.

The pitches need 500,00 liters of water , they will have to treat sea salty water first more expenditure .

 The  say they have spent 700billion pounds on infrastructure, I ay it is double Police are from France, Turkey, Uk and so on.

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