Tuesday, February 7, 2023


 So exavtly what is the Independant Comission all about? 

Now  that the EnglishPremier Leaguehave foud over  115 , one hundred  and fifteen times when Manchester United brached the Finncial Fair  Play Rule,  From the year 2009/2018,roughly ten years .

 E.P.L  started investigating this club Manchester City., since 2020. So it took a lot of time.

 Now the Independent Comission  ismade up of three people whoare lawyes barristors ,Judges and Admistrators.There are a total of fiftee peopke who work in the Idependent comission.Both sets of lawyers will plead their case. , but once the Independent comission  gives it ;s Judgement hen if Manchester City lose this case  , City can appeal again to he Independant comission only, they cannot  go to te  C.A.S   here .

Then a another thre  ediffferent peope will rehear he case , and decide the punishment.

 But this will be held in private closed dors, without cameras , mikes and Media .

 The verdict will appearon the  E.P.L website nly.

 But as  this will take a long time to settle,nothing quick herefor sure.And thee club have broken the law for a tird time so fines, points deducted will not hurt one bit  expulson for a few years will work onky.

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