Friday, March 10, 2023


 Thee is big problems at Totttenham Hotspurs , they have built a new stadium costing 1.4 billion pounds.

And  manager Antonio Conte may not sign a new contract. after all and will move on. One Manager who could take over t Tottenham Hotspurs i, is the former manager.  in waiting could be Mauricio Pochettino.

 Now Mauricio Pochettino was sacked by Tottenham Hotspurs in the year 2019, an 12.5 million pounds was paid as compensation. The club spent 400 four hundred million pounds on footballers and got two winning manager as well  like  Jose Mourinho and Antonio Cont, bth won trophies at Chelsea and Mourinho at Inter Milan as well.

 But still the trophy room was empty.

And with Harry Kane and Hugo Loris leaving makes work hard fry the new manager.

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