Sunday, March 24, 2024


 After  the Brazilian Ronaldhino , who as sold by Barcelona and Pep Guardiola, as Barcelona wanted to protect  the very young Lionel messi  from  Ronaldhino from his late nights, and parting and drinking.

 So he was sold out to the Italian giants A.C. Milan. But leopards do not change their spots. He continued having his parties, night life and his drinking.

 Aeer the AC,Milan manger was getting fed up f Ronaldhino and his late nights.

 One day Alegeri had enough  he called the presidentof A.C.Milan and sad   this is the end ,he said  Ronaldhino was parting again. So Moratti asked what time did Ronaldhino return from his party.

 The president was told tat Ronaldhino just walked in for tracing in the morning from hs party and he did not sleep.

 It was decided tat Ronaldhino ws to be sod a, and he was sold for eight million pounds to Fleming in Brazil.

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