Wednesday, August 14, 2019


The Manager of the Spanish giants Real Madrid Zinedine Zidane could very well be leaving Real Madrid well before Gareth Bale left Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane wanted both Gareth Bale and James Rodriguez to be sold during this summer transfer window. But unfortunately for Zinedine Zidane both of them are still very much thee, and both are on high weekly wages as well. During the pre season friendly out of seven friendly games Real Madrid won only two games, but they let in a total of eighteen goals, far to much for Real Madrid to let in. And to make matters worse Marcos Arsenio is out for the entire season, and Dani Ceballos was given on a loan to Arsenal for a yearlong loan. And to make matters really worse Zinedine Zidane says that the Serbian Marco Jovic , who is a striker . Now Zinedine Zidane says he is not good enough for Real Madrid. But what were the Real Madrid scouts doing here, ad if he was not that good for Real Madrid then why then did Real Madrid pay 64, sixty four million pounds for him? All this means we will se Zinedine Zidane either sacked or resigning early in the new season.

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