Wednesday, August 14, 2019


There is no doubt in the minds of the football fans around the world , all know that F.I.F.A is very corrupt organisation. Manchester City were found guilty under Byelaws of F.I.F.A number 19, nineteen which days you can not sign under age players into the first team, they must be eighteen years old at least before signing any contract, earlier then eighteen the guardian will sign. Now Barcelona, Atletico Madrid as well as Real Madrid and Chelsea was were all punished by F.I.F.A for signing under age players, and had to go two transfer windows without buying a player. Actually these clubs could buy a player but they could not legally play that player for a season. As the F.I.F.A rules say that once a club buys a player he has to be registered as a player with F.I.F.A then only can he play for his new club. Now Manchester City were found guilty of signing under age players like the four other clubs, but they did not have to face a year of not buying new players, like the other four clubs had to undergo. Lionel Messi was absolutely on the spot when he said football is corrupt. But th football group in the America called Conemball proudly said football was not corrupt and banned Lionel Messi from paying for three months, from playing for Argentina. Manchester City got away very lightly by paying a fine of 315,000 three hundred and fifteen thousand pounds. This is corruption at the highest and F.I.F.A and UEFA should be ashamed of themselves absolutely disgraceful. So let me prove that F.I.F. Are corrupt. 1) the former president of F.I.F.A Sepp Blatter was expelled from F.I.F.A for being corrupt and over fifty costly watches were confiscated as well as they were given as gifts or bribes ,. He should not takeany gifts from people bylaw. 2) The former president of U.E.F.A had taken a sum of over three and a half million pounds, for some work he did but U.E.F.A say as he was a president of U.E.F.A then he should not collect money as it couldbe signs of taking a bribe for a match. 3) Jack warner the man in charge of F.I.F.A in the Caribbean took aa bribe of 10, ten million , but was told by court to pay 67 , sixty seven million pounds as a fine for that bribe They are absolutely corrupt and disgraceful. Manchester City were to be have thrown out of the champion league this year, nothing will happen Manchester City fans should be ashamed of their oil club buying their titles

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