Now David Beckham now explains how he did move from Manchestr United to Reall Madrid..
Intge year 2004 Manchester United lost te finals of t English F.A with Arsenal/ Now Sir Alex Ferguson, was very angry with his Manchester United payers. He marched into tge dresing room .he tgen wa angry and face turned all red in colour.He tgen kicked a football boot, which was ling on tge ground.
. But sadly te boot webt fly and ht David Beckham over hee eyes, and at needed a few stitches.
David Deckham decide d to leave and Sir Alrx Fergusonwanted to sell him.
But ten after a match played bhampion league match played between Real Madrid and Manchester United.
fter te match Zinedine Zidane came to David Beckham,to xchane teir two jerseys. Now by nature Zinedine does not speak Englis he speaks Spanish hs wife Veronoque is a Spaniard.
Zidane said a few words to David, WILL YOU JOIN REAL MADRID?
Now the Brazilian wizard Ronaldinho was leaving P.S.G so Barcelona and, Manchester United a wanted to buy Ronaldinho
but Ronaldinho.
Now Florentino Peres said ths Ronaldino is far too ugly.
, so te prsident of Real Madrid went and paid monet, and bought little as 35 milli pounds.
So David Beckhan