Monday, September 7, 2009


Well after Chelsea were fined and banned from buying or taking any footballer on loan till the January transfer of 2011. Now it looks like Manchester United will also follow in the same way.As the French club Le Havare have now accused Manchester United of poacing their very young footballer Paul Poyba from Le Havare.
It is said that Manchester United have paid the father 100,000 Euros and the mother was paid 100,000 Euros as well and a new house in Manchester as well , the mother has already shifted into this house. Paul Poyba will get 4,000 pounds a week as salary once he reaches the age of 17 years when he will be allowed to play.
Roma former coach Luciano Spalletti had angry words for Ferguson as Roma boys were also taken from their clubs at 14,15 years. And also do not forget the Brazilian pair of D, Silva twins. As Manchester says this is all nonsense . So let F.I.F.A be the judge ,it took two long years for Chelsea to be punished . And some big clubs to may face the music like Real Madrid.

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