Monday, May 24, 2010


1)First world cup winner Uruguay in 1930.
2)The first goal in a world cup was scored by French man Lucien Laurent , who scored the goal in 1930 . In the 4-1 win over Mexico.
3) First hat trick was scored by the American Bart Patenaude, in ta 3-0 win over Paraguay in 1930, at Montevido.
4) The first player to be shown a red card in a world cup was Placido Galindo of peru. The referee was the Chilean refereeAlbert warkan. In the match with Romania.
5) The first man to miss a penalty in a world cup was the Argentinan Fernando Paternoster. While the MexicanManuel Rocquettas Rossa was the first person to score a penalty in a world cup.
6) The top scorer in the 1930 world cup wasGuillermo stablie of Argentina with six goals.
7) The mexican Manuel Rossa was the first unlucky culprit to score qa own goal, in a game with chile.
8) The first referee in a world cup was the Urugayan Domingo Lombardi. Almejda rego of Brazil and HenriChristophe of Belgium were the linesmen.

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