Saturday, May 8, 2010


The Liverpool football cub had a loss of 54.9million pound loss, that is the loss was 34 percent more then the 2008 figure.As 41 million pounds went to pay the clubs intrest 351.4 million pound debt it owed the banks, The Royal Bank of Scotland and the U.S.A Wachovia . And paying of senior staff mainly cheif executive Rick Parry,a sum of 4.3 million pounds. And the Liverpool club has to pay144.4 million pounds to its parent company another 8.1 million pounds has to be paid by the two American owners.
But it was not all gloom and doom at Liverepool .It made a huge sponsor contract with Standard Chartered bank worth 80 million for 4 years for the Jersey, it will show only next years auddit. Last year the club came second in the E.P.l. they got474.6 million pounds for that. and a 3.4 million was made due to transfer profit, Xavi Alonso was the big sale.

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