Thursday, September 30, 2010


Irma Nici the Bosnian hooker who now lives in Britain claims that she and another hooker had a threesome with David Beckham, in the year 2007 in New York at the hotel Le, Parker Meridian. She claimed it happened when the Los Angles Galaxy football team visited New York to play the Red Bulls. Irma told the In Touch Weekly magazine that Beckham had paid her a sum of 3,200 pounds and the other hooker was paid 1,500 pounds. Beckham has acted quickly he has given his lawyers Bert Deixler and Gerrard Tyrell and also German experts a blank cheque to sort the case out. It will cost Irma, The In Touch Weekly magazine and the publishers a whooping 5 million pounds. So confident is David Beckham , as he says he was never at that hotel, which Irma says she was with him. Irma is now in hiding from the police and lawyers.
David Beckham the gentleman that he is has made it clear that he does not want that 5 million pounds, dirty money. It will go to his trust to treat children.

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