Saturday, June 22, 2013


The Barcelona striker Lionel Messi   is charged with tax evasion to a sum of 3.4 million pounds.
 But Lionel Messi and his father  Jorge who is also his agent both flatly deny it.The tax evasion is from the year 20007 to 2009.
 Now the law firm representing him Juaez  Vecicna  say that the charge is blameless..But Lionel Messi and his father are told to appear in court in the city of Gava near Barcelona.
Now we must remember that Lionel Messi  is footballer and knows nothing about taxes, it was given to some one else to do, he may now be the guilty party.
 If Lionel Messi is indeed found guilty he will have to face a fine of 150 percent on the concealed earnings from 2007to2009.Or he could get a jail term from two to six years, which means he will miss out on the 2014 world cup in Brazil.
Now when these sportsmen make millions a year a slip is often common.And he is not the first  footballer either caught in tax evasion  Famous footballers like Romario at P.S.V Eindhoven, Diego Maradona at Napoli are other examples. In fact Napoli wanted to take the diamond earnings  ofMaradona..
 But Lionel Messi is willing to pay 3,4 million pounds.
Now the big question Spain is on its knees financially , so is the government trying to milk Lionel Messi , and get  a lot of money.

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