Friday, July 18, 2014


Mrs Dolores Aviero in a new book published in Lisbon says this. By the way Mrs Dolores Aviero is the mother of the Portuguese footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo. Who plays his club football with the Spanish giants Real Madrid. Mrs Dolores Aviero says she wanted very badly to undergo a abortion, when she was carrying Cristiano Ronaldo, but thankfully the doctor would just not have anything to do with it. After all Portugal is a Catholic country, and their church does not allow abortions for any reasons. When Cristiano Ronaldo found out the truth, he told his mother that He holds the strings of the purse. But here the footballing world must thank the doctor for saving this football wizard Cristiano Ronaldo.. God alone knows with thousands of avbortions done each year, we might have lost a person who would have even say invented a vacacine for A.I.D.S. Or a inventor or Nobel lauret

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