Saturday, July 5, 2014


In the quarter final match of the 2014 world cup in Brazil, the Brazilian striker Neymar was jumped n the back from behind by the Colombian defender Juan Zuniga. At first it look like nothing happened but Neymar was on the ground in real pain, and was carried of on a stretcher in the 88th minute. But it was a serious injury Neymar had his verterba fractured, and the Brazilian doctor said after the scan was done on him.That he was indeed a very lucky man , for if the fracture was a inch higher up, then Neymar would have been paralysed. And the football world would have lost a very good young player. Fortunately there is no need for a surgery for the striker. But the sadest thing after seriously harming another footballer , Juan Zuniga was not spoken to sternly or for the matter even booked. Shame on the referee and F.I.F.A for opointing such idiots at the world cup. Now the rules must change , for when a player jumps on another player the whistle must be blown, and we must not forget a footballer must not be injured to wake up. After the bright career ofMarco Van Basten was ended due to a sliding tackle. F.I.F.A have made the new rule all sliding tackles will be shown a yellow card.

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