Friday, August 8, 2014


Arsenal are looking for a holding midfielder, they have looked far and wide for him. 1) sami Khedira was one such player, but he wanted a weekly salary of 150,000 pounds, but mind you he is getting only 50,000 pounds at Real Madrid, he then cut his salary demand to 135,000 pounds a week.And he is a injury prone player. 2) The Colombian Juan Quantiero was thought of, but his club F.C.Porto were demanding the full buy out clause to be paid by Arsenal, which was 32 million pounds. Arsenal were willing to pay only 15 million pounds for him. 3) They then wanted William Carvalho from Sporting Lisbon, but he was costing 24 million pounds. 4) Arsenal now are very keen on a Brazilian midfielder called Douglas Costa, who plays his club football in war torn Ukraine, for the club called Shakstar Donstek. Arsenal want to get him first on loan and then make a permanent deal for him, as he is desperate to leave Ukraine, he says it is very, very unsafe to live in Ukraine.

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