Saturday, August 2, 2014


The Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers has admitted that he is very keen to replace Luis Suarez with the Italian striker Mario Bolotelli. He says Mario Bolotelli has got everything he wants, he is young, fast, skilful, pacy and scores a lot of goals. According to THE METRO Brendan Rodgers is looking long and hard at footballers to replace Luis Suarez. With the Loic Remy deal failing due to Loic Remy failed a medical test at Boston. But what he did not see is that Mario Bolotelli A.C. Milan price was 36 million pounds , but being Mario Bolotelli the price fell further to 26 million pounds. But it really crashed further after the world cup in Brazil 2014, where he was a super flop there. The player was offered to Arsene Wenger it seems, who was not interested in him. Now the price has fallen to 14 million pounds. But what Brendan Rodgers has not seen is that he, Mario Bolotelli is a big troublsome player, where ever he has played, be it Inter Milan, Manchester City, or A.C.Milan, he is eccentric alrighjt.

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