Monday, November 16, 2015


There was a story in THE METRO that Arsenal are going to buy Lionel Messi from F.C.Barcelona . Now the story started as Lionel Messi who is 28 years old is fed up with the tax case filed against him and his father. Lionel messi has a buyout clause of 250 million pounds. Lionel Messi has weekly salary of 600,000 pounds. The highest weekly salary of the Arsenal player is 140,000 pounds , Mesut Ozil is the player. In other words Arsenal will have to pay Lionel Messi 18 million pounds a year. Something Arsenal will never do, they have strict rules when buying players and their salaries as well.And once they reach thirty years they will get only a years contract not two years. The jokes going around is Arsene Wenger did not buy a player in the summer to buy Lionel Messi. The Arsenal players will donate money to help buy Lionel Messi. Get one thing crystal clear Lionel Messi will not ditch Barcelona, As barcelona was the only club ready to treat his costly Hormone Deficency treatment. He actually was to join River Plate at 12 , but their rule said Lionel Messi should be 13 years and was told to come next yea, but Barcelona scooped on him that year and spent his entire medical bill , which was very costly , and the first contract between Barcelona and Lionel Messi wa made on a napkin in a hotel with Jorge his father signing. It was on a napkin as Barcelona were not sure how long the contract would last or would they have to tear it up soon. So no way will Lionel Messi leave Barcelona.

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