Saturday, September 2, 2017


Liverpool became far to greedy, and on the last day of the transfer window they were asking Barcelona to pay a sum of 200, two hundred million Euros, or 186 , one hundred and eighty six million pounds for Philippe Coutinho. And on hearing the crazy greedy demand from Liverpool ,Barcelona quickly washed their hands of the deal and returned to Barcelona, Spain. Here Liverpool are 200, two hundred million Euros for a player who has not scored thirty goals in a season in his career, he has never scored twenty goals in a season, he has never wthoden boot at Liverpool.. So I wonder where and how did Liverpool calculates figure for Philippe Coutinho. Now Barcelona want to buy Thomas Lemar om Monaco in the next transfer window. And when Manchester United went and brought Paul Pogba from Juventus for 89, eighty nine million pounds, Mr Jürgen Klopp said he would never ever buy a player for that much money. He said y have to add five years salary of Paul pogba , which is a huge 78 , seventy eight million pounds. But now he wants clubs to buy a single player for 200, two hundred million pounds. So he is a absolute hypocrite. I honestly wonder what Liverpool are smoking these days?

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