Thursday, November 14, 2019


The loyal Real Madrid fans are demanding that France go and stop boycotting their hero Kareem Benzema , an want him to play for France once again. But that is not going to happen as he has not played a single game for France since the year 2015. But exactly why is Kareem Benzema being boycotted by the French board? For that we will have to go back to the year 2014/2015.That year Kareem Benzema and fellow French footballer Matthieu Villanueva , were both involved in a sex tape , but what Kareem Benzema did was he demanded money for the tape from Matthieu Villanueva. The police raided the house of Kareem Benzema in the night and arrested him ,he spent some time in jail as well. He was charged under the extortion actor FORCUFULLY EXTRACTING MONEY FROM SOME ONE. And this is a very serious offence a gangsters are often charged with this count for extracting money from the rich like movie stars. The then president of France demanded that Kareem Benzema be banned from playing for France in the future as he is not a good role model for youngsters. And e will not and should not be chosen for France again. In the U.S.A ,the country will not give a visa to Kareem Benzema as he has now a police record, for the matter nobody with a police case will not get a visa, And remember the 2026 world cup will be played in Mexico, Canada and the U.S.A . So if he is not going to get a visa why choose Kareem Benzema for France.

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