Tuesday, May 5, 2020


 Now Hannick Kamba, was from the African country called Democratic Republic of the Congo..
 Now this country Congo was facing a cruel civil war , which sadly dragged on for a few years..
 So Hannick Kamba  and his parents arrived in Germany and  asked for political asaylum
 As a boy  he attended the German club Schalke , along with Manuel Neuer.These two graduated from the youth academy of Schalke, while Manuel Neuer played for Bayern Munich and Germany as well, but then Hannick Kamba ,had no such luck whatsoever, he played  in the eighth  tier in Germany even.
 Then Germany rejected the citizenship of the parents who were then deported to The Congo,
 But Hannick Kamba  got his German citizenship, because he was a graduate from Schalke.
 But in 2016, it was reported that  Hannick Kamba  was killed in  a car crash..
 And his ex wife claimed the insurance which was six figure sum huge amount.
 But in 2018, he was seen in the city of Gelankircen , working as a chemist in a company.
 His Ex wife had produced a forged death certificate from the Congo.
 Now the ex-wife  is charged with fraud charges  and the case will come for hearing soon.
 But  my big question here is who was the man who died in the car, if Hannick Kamba is alive now.

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