Wednesday, June 3, 2020


  The German world cup winner Mesut Ozil, who is now playing his  club football in England  with Arsenal.
 Now  the German sports company  Adidas , has gone and decided to  go ahead  and cancel  the contract with Mesut Ozil,  they had both signed a contract while Mesut Ozil was playing football in Spain, with the Spanish giants Real Madrid, way back in the year 2013.
 The entire contract  with Adidas  was worth a huge 22, twenty two million pounds.
 But the trouble  all started after the world cup, and Germany blamed Mesut Ozil for he horrible show put up by the then world champions. On his part Mesut Ozil says  he has been made a scapegoat.
 To add to this Mesut ozil  who is originally  from Turkey, has become far to close to the Turkish president , who is a dictator  as well and was also the best man at he wedding of Mesut Ozil.
 Adidas  on their part  are trying to cut as much loss as possible due to the Corona virus, or Chinese  virus. Adidas are facing a loss of 40, forty percent drop in sale or 860, eight hundred and sixty million pounds.
 The German Car company Mercedes  Benz  have already  cancelled their contract with Mesut Ozil , after the fight with the German team and Mesut Ozil.
 Previously NIKE  was his sponsor he had deal with he American company.
 Now I wonder which boots will he wear for he new season.

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