People think that it is Barcelona only club that is facing big financial problems,t is not so.
Even Real Madrid are facing the same problem,now they have taken a loan of 500 five hundred million pounds so they will have to pay both capital as well as a huge interest on he money taken.
And for three transfer windows Real Madrid have not bought a single player, and they have given a few payers Luka Jovic and Gareth Bale on a loan deal.
The real last big name Real Madrid spent on was on Eden Hazard., two years ago for 150 one hundred and fifty million pounds.
Mr Andres Agnelli has come and made it very clear that the Corona Virus or the Chinese virus has destroyed football clubs, financially. And there cud be 640 six hundred and forty clubs facing financial bankruptcy.
And he should know it as he is the Chairman of Juventus nand the owner as well of he F.I.A.T car company in Turin.
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