Thursday, May 6, 2021


 Now the president of  U.E.F.A. wants to punish all te twelve clubs rather differently.

 For example the six English clubs  Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool ,Totytenham Hotspurs,Manchester City  and Manchester United. Will all et more lenient punishment from . U.E.F.A  the reason for this is tat hey said that they had broken away to join the European League, but rejoined U.E.F.A within forty eight hours.

 But three clubs  Real Madrid Barcelona and Juventus will be given harsher punishment ,these clubs will be banned from taking part in the champion league, for a period of two full years.

 Now the six English clubs  are owned by either a person or a family, so they can decide for them selves.

 But Juventus is owned by te Agnelli family, and Andres  Agnelli is the president of Juventus as well as the owner of the F.I.A.T car company.

 But in he case of Barcelona or   Real Madrid, these two clubs are owned by the shareholders so they have a voice in it.

  But legally it can not be  done by U.E.F.A . If all the twelve clubs have signed a agreement  with the help of a lawyer a and got the European Super League registered as a body , then it can only be decided by law and the court... Fans can protest as much as they like but it will not help anybody..

 When the W.W.F broke up and W.W. E.Was formed W.W.F  took W.W.E to court, but W.W.F lost that case, even the International ice skating had a break up, and they to went to court but lost their case as well,now The Golf  may break up as well.

The best would be for U.E.F.A to take the European Super League to court and thrash it out for once and for all. U.E.F.A know that they are standing on shaky ground. And longer they delay the case the stronger the European League will get..

 CAN YOU IMAGINE A CHAMPION LEAGUE  WITH OUT BARCELONA, REAL  MADRID OR JUVENTUS playing , as little kids always dream of playing for these clubs.

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