Now both U.K and Ireland,both have come forward to be hosts for he 2030 world cup.
Spain and Portugal are the obnes who are expected to win te bid for hosting the2030 world Cup.
But U,E,F.A and F.I.F.A. , have advised UK and Ireland to drop the bid for a world cup, and instead to bid for the 2028 EURO CUP instead..
But are U.K really serious to hold a major tournament in England. We saw all the English hooligans and yobs drinking , and brawling in te streets and in the stadium. They were utter disgrace to te whole world .
And do they nt have any shame , to make abid for a tournament after the Euro Cup 2020 at Wembley against Italy. It was a utter disgrace and absolute shameful. Te U.K must never bid for being a host i nits history.
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