It is really beyond common understanding here.
Barcelona are 1.3 Billion Pounds in debt ,hit ,mainly by the Covid 19, or the Chinese Virus, and playing for well over a year to closeout stadium saw zero income.
Ad playing yearly on a very tight and reduced Salary Cap for wages. But still companies come to sponsor Barcelona . Clearly shows Barcelona are a very , very big club indeed.
This year Raukten contract expires and now a new sponsor-er for the front-of the Barcelona Jersey are in talks with Barcelona.
Two crypt o Currency, companies and Spotify and Human Vegan and Polka Dot are standing in line at Barcelona for the final deal.
I strongly wonder f Manchester United was in 1.3 Billion Pound debt would players want to join the club at cut out salaries like at Barcelona, would companies lineup take a gamble and sponsor a deal with Manchester Untied.
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