Now Kylian Mbappe has asked Real Madrid to pay him a sum of 83, eighty three million pounds to what was first agreed to . Real Madrid in disgust have refused to agree to thus little greedy fellow.
And mind you he is nt even 23 years old , exactly how much money does this fool want..
He and his agent should very well know that there is a salary cap in the La Liga , since te year 2013.
So giving this crazy sums of money as yearly salary is not at all correct or sensible.
He can remain in P.S.G for te rest of his life.
P.S.G had promised him a sum of 125 , one hundred and twenty five million pounds.million pounds for two years.
May I ask Alexander Ceferin the president of U.E.F.A , why te salary cap was not introduced ,Then thus crazy demands or unheard salaries will then stop ,pr what about FINANCIAL FAIR PLAY>, for P.S.G.
Nothing will happen to P.S.G , as the president of P.S.G Nasser El Khelaifi is also the president of the European Club Association. This nonsence by P.S.g will be welcomed by U.E.F.A. Surly Kylian Mbappe with thus crazy demand will be a hate footballer , how much money does he need?He can not eat money.
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