Luis Suarez the famous Uruguayan striker has now come forward and tells of his attempt by Arsenal to buy himand how Barcelona bought him over Real madrid.
He was awnted by Arsenal during his Liverpool days. And Arsenal offered to pay hs buyout clause of 40. million pounds, which Liverpool flatly rejected.
Ten Real madrid entered te picture, Real madrid wanted to selll Karem Benzema to Arsenal to gennerate funds.
But then Lus Suarez got nvolved in bitting Georgio Chelleni in te arm at tgeorld cup 2014.
Real adrid then dropped the idea of selling Kareem Benzema, and buying Luis Suarez, nowths was tettix bite by Lus Suarez in his career.
He was sold to Barcelona fir 73 seventy-three million pounds. And te rest is history M.S.N.
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