Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Now next 20, twenty clubs in the E,P,L  will have their A.G.M

 Te main Agenda here will be   whether to cancel te V.A.R   to keep it.

 For it to be rejected at least 14,fourteen clubs must agree to not to support  te V.A.R and have it discontinued.. V.A.R was introduced to be helpful to referees   in getting things right on the pitch, unfortunately  it has been a controversial instrument, with clubs, managers and fans  all upset and angry. And t F.A and P.G.M.O.L  have always support  te referees as tey are paid by te F.A. FPlayers and managers we always punished.

 bBut in truth V.A.R killed the joy of watching  football..

 Let Us take Arsenal;s case. Last ear  inte match between Arsenal and Brentford, te V.A.Rreferee Lee Mason did not draw a offside line in the match Arsenal wre denid a goal and a win. This year  Newcastle Unitted  Wilcox took tge ball out of play, but tge F.A said itwason te line, but tat wasa later picture it wa clearly  out of play.Karma srtruck Newcastle United  Wilcox is out for tgeseason,, ad newcastle United  , who wre tgen playing for a place intge champion league, saw tgeir wheels role out and be mid table club ths year.


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