Sunday, January 28, 2024


 Now the INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE, in THE HAGUE Holland has told Israela to stop genocide in Palestine. And Isarael denied it committed genocide in Palestine.

But the war is fought in the Gaza strip and not in Palestine.

Now in the year 1948 the United Nations created a two country soloution  of deviding into Palestine and Israel.

 But Hamas and the Arab world fought several're , ad Hamas are a terrorist organization, andnit fredom fihters,reeing Gaza from who may I ask? Gaza w ascapturedfromE Egyptin 1967 sdsix day war. And is nit occupied by Israel, rey vacated Gaza i2005, and Palestine and Gaza voted for Hamas toin election . So Hamas must provide,food,water,elrctricity to uts citizens?

 Palestine was named  Philistine after Isreals enemy Philistines Goliath, it was changed from Juea and srael by the Roman emperror Hadryan 110/117 A.D ruler of Rome.

 So Israel did not committ genocide in Gaza or Palestine,

in 1948 Palestine population wa 160,000 ne hundred and sixty thousand today it is two million poulation. So if a genocide was going on since 1948, the population will nt increase in any way. BE EDUCASTED AND DO NOT FALL TO A GENERAYTIN OF DIOTS shouting on the streets.

 According to te United Nation Charter,Artickle 51says clearly. If a member country is attacked then they ave every right to defend itself.

 AndIsreal are defending themselves in the Gaza against Hamas onky not in Palestine.

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